27.10.2019 by Phelyxx
Also when I kiss a girl I don't feel anything, I tried many times to fake my emotions and see what it feels, but now those girls tell me that I'm so cold, uninterested. I didn't even remember in my daily life a girl which could be my girlfriend, I already kissed her, but I don't feel any desire for being with her or going out. I love talking about intellectual things, but when someone asks me something emotional, there is no response but a logical one.
In my father's funeral, I cried zero, I tought "At the end everybody dies". I saw him dying in the hospital, my mom encouraged me to tell him words in his ears like "I am going to be a good person in the future" "I love you so much, you are the best father", but I didn't because I felt 0 necessity. All people in the room were impressed. For me I was a neutral spectator, and don't confuse, I appreciated my father a lot. He wasn't emotional, too, however he was obviously in love with my mom and a great father.
I had a sort of social anxiety because I wasn't able to connect with other people, also I wasn't motivated for doing that because of my emotions, but after reading some books of social anxiety, my value as a person, the importance of being social, I am less shy right now. I can do presentations and talk to a girl with ease.
What should I do? My test results are 157, and here in Colombia I suppose there isn't any professional on this. Despite, why trying to cure this? I mean, I don't feel bad being a loner and not having a couple. Thanks