Topic: im i really alex,

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im i really alex,
19.11.2014 by deeiow

hi all, dont really know where to start but i took the test and scored 161,
the traits and the symptoms described is what i have had for ever,
i have been married for 6yrs and think this marrage is failing due to my non-comunicative problems,

just need some one to turn on a power switch that can get me to feel normal again, when asked to express how i feel i cant, its so frustrating for me and more so for my wife as there is nothing there, just an emptyness, when i wake on a morning its like here we go again another emotionless day, i know happy i know sad and thats about all, just feel numb all the time,i have a constant battle every day with this, my wife is great but how much longer she can cope who knows.

any help or ideas would be great please.

Feel normal again
11.07.2015 by nudisr

When were you,last feeling normal? Sounds like you've suffered some kind of trauma

I can really relate
31.07.2015 by 4rch0n4n6313

Im fortunate to have the husband I do. He doesnt expect to much emotionally. This whole thing might be why I am so used to fitting in as "one of the guys". at least until i became aware of how they were sexualising me, which makes me indescribably uncomfortable...then again...I feel uncomfortable with any exchange that goes beyond superficial. In my marriage my husband and I just agree to disagree when it comes to who was hurt more, and he often gives in to me, because my feelings are based on logical constructs I have devised..because shrinks said I should feel stuff.....I just realized today that what ever sensation that is when you feel like your beginning a deeper friendship, makes me extremely uncomfortable.

What sucks the most is I have kids..they need that emotional affirmation...sometimes I wonder if faking it will be enough...

I didn't have kids
04.08.2015 by DXS

What sucks the most is I have kids..they need that emotional affirmation...sometimes I wonder if faking it will be enough...

I didn't have kids for that reason, and many others (like, why would ANYONE "desire" to be pregnant? I can't figure this out). But I find that I relate well to high school kids. I treat them like young adults, which they appreciate. I currently work at an amusement park. The other people my age just "yell at" the teens. I treat them like young adult co-workers.
