Topic: Why do I feel like I need to be in a romantic relationship?

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Why do I feel like I need to be in a romantic relationship?
15.10.2015 by doctoreaha

For years I've felt like a blank piece of paper... almost no emotion and when I do get emotion I can't control it. Even through medical school getting good grades or having a big test wouldnt get me feeling anything, maybe a little anxious but that's it. I feel like I need to be alone all the time. I feel like I don't need lots of people in my life but I always find myself getting into romantic relationships. Why is this? I mean I'm pretty sure I have alexithymia, but I don't understand why i feel like i need a girlfriend all the time.

Maybe you are just horny....
25.10.2015 by DXS

Maybe it's the sexual thing you need..... who knows.

But society does pressure the "couples" thing. I rejected it. I dated a lot because I thought I was "supposed" to, but now I found I am happier if I'm not dating anyone.

Once I date someone, I go into the "you are supposed to" mode, which is wrong.

almost the same with "doctoreaha "
19.03.2016 by yBeB

I am also sure that I am alexithymic for except one person(this person is changing) and I do not think that is sexual. I think this is because, as humanbeings, we need to love and being loved. And many people in this forum are saying that they love their animals. When I was 15, I concluded that there cannot be a real friend in the world who is a human so, lets have a dog. Then, I meet with Sufism and then, I concluded that we are created because of "love"; however, humanbeings do not deserve our love. In our hearts, there is an infinite love and if humans do not deserve, of course animals cannot deserve this love. So, for my infinite love, an infinite One is needed who is God, Allah. I can suggest for all alexithymics to search for Sufism. I may also say that the Lover should be unreachable in this world because we also discussed that we are less friendly for those who care us. Look at this page.
This page is more comprehensive for what I think about Sufism:

13.04.2016 by slushhhhy

perhaps it is a physical thing you need, but then you could just have a one night stand, or a relationship which is based on sex - i don't know if that is how you feel?

you do say romantic relationship though. my thoughts would be... perhaps being in a romantic relationship will help you with trying to experience emotions? or at least that's what you hope?

i know i idealise relationships a lot. the real world just isn't like that unfortunately.
