Topic: I have some questions..

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I have some questions..
14.12.2015 by Steeen

I scored highly on the test and after reading about it and researching it, I have no doubt that this is what I have been struggling with forever. So much makes sense now. I would like to know if this usually affects people of a certain intelligence. I was also wondering, can any of you feel love? Is love an emotion? Whenever I try to describe my emotions, I can usually only tell when I'm happy or frustrated or overwhelmed. Sometimes I cry but I can't tell if I'm sad. Can anyone relate to any of this?

29.09.2016 by Yng

I struggle with the same question about love. I do believe that i am currently in love with my Finance, but when i am asked what i love about her, Nothing comes to mind, I can never really describe the feelings i have for her, or anyone else for that matter.

I doubt
29.09.2016 by Jute

I doubt that Alexithymia is linked in any way with intelligence, emotions operate independently of intellect.

I have no idea what love is other than on an abstract level, based on what I've seen in movies and read in books. I experience some physical sensations, which may be linked to emotions, but I'm generally unable to pinpoint which emotions might be causing the physical effects.

the love thing
12.10.2016 by kat3lb

So I started to feel love to someone. It lasted several months untill I admitted to myself - till then, I was just denying it somewhere inside me, because the person totally did not match the profile I expected myself to ever fell in love with. Interestingly, his feelings were reciprocal and after those couple of months of desperately trying to make me understand in one way or another, he just came to me and "explained" everything in direct words.
Seen from the movies, my reaction should have been a hug or something of that kind, but instead I just said "thank you", went to my room and started crying (which was another big surprise because I have never cried since childhood).
The feeling of love is about wanting to be close, speak and touch each other (for the first time in my life I dont mind when somebody touches me). But some reasons? I cant really say any.
I heard that many people want to compose songs or poems for their loved ones. They bother others by endless descriptions of the lovers personal qualities. Me, I dont want to speak about it with anyone, nor I do have a desire to compose any piece of art. I lack words ..... I am an alex.

27.11.2016 by CV

I was curious as to the correlation between alexithymia and intelligence recently, as the only other people I was aware of who did not experience "basic" emotions were the severely intellectually disabled. However, from their responses, I assume even they are able to feel affection.
"Emotional intelligence" as they coin it is a form of intelligence, so I suppose an alexithymic would be lacking in this form of intelligence, yes. But then again, I have been told that I am able to see things more clearly and act more appropriately at times, because I lack the emotional entanglements that confuse other people.
I'd say the question is a subjective one. Even if it was able to be tested, even IQ tests themselves are highly conditional.

There is a correlation between IQ and Alexithymia
27.11.2016 by Dave

Jute commented on a relationship between his age and his emotions (in another thread); I thought that was interesting and googled it. There is a greater prevalence of Alexithymia among the older section of society; nothing came up about a correlation between an individual's age and the severity of their alexithymia. On the same page where I got this information, it stated that alexithymia is more prevalent among people with lower IQs.

If you have alexithymia as a result of it being comorbid with autism, psychopathy, or schizophrenia, then I doubt that there is any relationship between intelligence and alexithymia; e.g., people with HFA (or Asperger's) have average or above average intelligence (but they also have the comorbid trait of alexithymia).
