Topic: Are you good at taking tests?

English Alexithymia Forum > Personal Experience

Are you good at taking tests?
19.01.2016 by DXS

I'm not talking about tests like the Alexithymia test. That test is designed so there are no wrong answers. I am talking about tests like.... taking the BAR if you are an attorney, taking the CPA exam for accountants, etc.

I CANNOT TAKE TESTS! I either overthink the answer or I underthink the answer, I seem to never get it right as to what is expected.

I'm very bright. Just cannot take tests. In college, one professor gave all of the students the option to take an oral final instead of a written one. I did very well on that one. I would have done badly on a written one.

In fact, when I am given a choice of A, B, C, or D, I sometimes write in option E because I don't like being "Boxed in." I find an option that wasn't considered. A friend said I do this in real life, too, if someone gives me four options, I force in a fifth or sixth option somehow.
