Topic: Don't like goodbyes - because you don't care?

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Don't like goodbyes - because you don't care?
25.06.2016 by CV

Sorry for the post deluge at the moment but this is the only area I know of that deals with these issues.
How does everyone regard goodbyes? I find myself avoiding them, and not because I find separation from others difficult or upsetting, but because I don't. I can see the someone every week for two years, but when they leave and want to go through the whole scripted production with me about wishing me farewell, I just want to avoid it.
It's too awkward, embarrassing, and I know they want and expect something emotionally from me that is not there.
I would be perfectly fine to conduct our interactions as per normal and then simply part ways, without a word.

I hate goodbye's........
26.06.2016 by DXS

I hate them too....

I avoid getting close to people so that when they leave it's no big deal to me.

I feel exactly the same way
14.10.2016 by E

Goodbyes are extremely awkward for me. I feel no emotion towards goodbyes at all. Sometimes I will get upset because I know that I am "supposed to" feel emotional about the goodbye and I don't.

Just Gone
14.10.2016 by Jute

Generally speaking I don't experience "goodbyes," not so much because I actively avoid them but because people tend to simply drift out of my life without any explanation. When I do have an occasion to be involved in a "goodbye" situation I keep it as brief as possible, because it's simply meaningless to me. "You're going? Well go then and don't kick up a bloody fuss about it," pretty much sums up my attitude.

It's weird.
28.10.2016 by Dave

I thought CV was just talking about goodbye forever. It doesn't bother me to know I'll never see somebody ever again, but it seems to bothers most people. Maybe NT people aren't able to distinguish between never seeing somebody ever again, and that person dying. What is really weird are people who treat short term farewells the same way most people treat goodbye forever. I can't think of any reason why some people are bothered by short term separation. I find these long goodbyes a waste of time, but I never feel obligated to help these people with their emotional needs.

Not only goodbyes, but also reunions
20.11.2016 by kat3lb

I travel a lot in my work, coming back to family and friends 3 times per year for 2-3 weeks (not my choice; if not driven by social obligations, I would have much more preferred to spend my holidays somewhere alone). And it is not only goodbyes that disturbs me a lot, but also the reunions after those months of separation! I try so hard to pretend something, but it simply does not work.
When hugged on a farewell at the airport, I just get stiff and don't know where to look. I am trying to avoid the gaze of the other farewelling person, as I am afraid he or she might notice the emptiness of my look. The only thing that I am capable thinking of is "what should I buy in dutyfree shop this time".
When hugged at a reunion, my reaction is similar and my mind is usually preoccupied by the tiredness from the journey. So many times did I swear my self that "this time I will smile and wave" at my parents or friends who wait me at the airport, so many times I tried to boost my emotional performance by consuming alcohol on the aircraft. Yet I always fail.
So the usual script goes as follows:
"Oh my goodness, it has been so long, you lost some weight, are you eating, how are you, have you not been sick?"
"I am ok"
"Please tell me what is new, what are you doing, how was the weather, did you wear the Tshirt I bought you last time?"
"Still the same. Yes, I wore the Tshirt."
And so on. I am painfully aware of the fact that I should reverse the questions and ask how they are as well. But whenever I try, I get physically sick of my dishonesty - the question is so unnecessary and coward from me, because THEY ARE GOING TO TELL ME ANYWAY HOW THEY WERE :-)

same for goodbyes and greetings
02.04.2017 by Melmoth90

"but when they leave and want to go through the whole scripted production with me about wishing me farewell, I just want to avoid it.
It's too awkward, embarrassing, and I know they want and expect something emotionally from me that is not there."

You've accurately put into words exactly how I feel!

The whole process of goodbyes feels like I have to perform a part I have no connection to, like you I would much prefer to just say see ya! and leave.

I'm also the same when I'm greeting people or going to meet friends, when I am due to meet up with friends I often try to approach from a direction they are not facing. In situations where I am forced to approach head on I begin to dread the impending greeting, I worry about whether or not I am going to show the correct level of emotion for seeing a friend - I should be happy and smiling but I am more comfortable to keep a normal face, say hi and get on with what we have planned.

02.04.2017 by SectionEight

There is nothing more awkward than seeing a friend or a loved one quite a distance away and then feeling awkward about what is the appropriate distance to wave or smile at them. I always feel so stiff and uncomfortable.
