Topic: [DELETED]

English Alexithymia Forum > Questions and Answers

26.04.2018 by Old7839118Z


27.04.2018 by Nofy

You didnt talk to him, didnt ask him if he wants to change but get a therapist and write that it has to go your way. Sorry, but no wonder he is losing interests in you, you're acting like his mother.

27.04.2018 by Old7839118Z


27.04.2018 by Old7839118Z


Wasnt sure if I really should respond
27.04.2018 by Nofy

But here I go. I dont think that your bf is Alexi, disliking Kids and hating Christmas is something a lot of People do, even the rest you wrote about him, it seems to me that he is just losing interesst, thats all but I do agree, you should talk to a therapist about your feelings, maybe it helps.

29.04.2018 by Old7839118Z


Why did you ask..
29.04.2018 by Nofy

People for their Opinion, if all you want is People to tell you that you are right? Dont like what i think? Then dont ask for Opinions. We all can see that you think you are so perfect and he is sick and a horrible person, if thats what you want to believe, do it but in my opinion you are a person that likes to get attention like a princess, someone not giving you what you want is mean, sick and what ever. So yeah, i do think that you need help.

hello tntocatwithluv
03.05.2018 by alias

Hi I am in a similar situation with my girlfriend, ex should say . We were like extremely compatible . love at first sight then eventually something went wrong . or maybe it was notoriously wrong..
she use to drink a lot .. she was careless of her illness (autoimmune disease) . she use to tell me she loves me but always in respond to me .. never ever start a conversation . always silent neve responding.
when it came to action she was there , hiking , traveling , visiting museums , anything . but never get to talk of her feelings , she never spoke about want she wanted what plans what future .. ever
she was like , no regrets .. always secrecy ..even after a reunion or party she never told me what was it like I had to pull out the info..
Now I AM in therapy .. same as you trying to fix this .. therapyist after just one mail from her had a general idea on her behavior .
she is pregnant ..don't know how I am going to deal with this afterwords
